Everyone has the power to heal themselves!
I am simply holding the space to awaken the healer within you!
What is TETHEVA?
TETHEVA is a supportive and complementary energy treatment complementing the energy forms of light, knowledge and cosmic energy with the sound frequencies of the Universe. It is based on the fact that the human body can be treated with cosmic sound frequencies. In other words, TETHEVA is a “Vibrational Treatment”. It heals you in all spiritual, sensual, intellectual and physical layers at the same time.
What is TETHEVA’S difference from Reiki?
Reiki and similar practices are techniques, but TETHEVA is a harmonic healing process based on the 12 galactic rituals and heals both the patient and the therapist at the same time during a session. All other practices are rowing boats in the ocean of healing, but TETHEVA is the ocean itself.
Where does TETHEVA come from?
TETHEVA was channeled by Nihat Hacifazlioglu. After beginning to speak in the light language, he named his cosmic frequency healing method TETHEVA because it is applied through the light being named “Erra TETHEVA” from the star Pleiades “TAYGETA”.
On Planet Erra, TETHEVA of Erra, has been assigned to convey the cosmic healing knowledge, which has been conveyed to him from the Pleiades TAYGETA Star, to our planet through the channeling of Nihat Hacifazlioglu.
The planet Erra is the information channel of the Universe. The place where the cosmic healing information flowing from the TAYGETA Star comes to light in the conscious of the light being TETHEVA. Each of the stars in the Pleiades system are galactic Universities. All of the information of the Universe is transmitted from here. Each star opens up to a separate wisdom. Here is where the highest cosmic wisdom of the Universe that flows from TAYGETA is manifested and transmitted to its aspirants.
How does it work?
“TETHEVA is the healing ocean itself. It activates the healing codes in your own operating system”
The diseases in the physical body are related to the blockages in the spiritual, mental, and emotional auras. The natural flow being blocked in any of these auras, for one or many reasons, lowers the bodily frequencies and it causes an illness in the person’s physical body to express itself. The treatment of your illnesses is hidden in this magnetic field. Your cells draw the information, light, and energy forms (which will heal your illnesses in the magnetic field) from the cosmic healing pool in the Universe during the TETHEVA Cosmic Healing session. The healing frequencies that are activated with the power of intent and cosmic sound vibrations during the TETHEVA session also get in contact with your cells, which can create miraculous healing in the moment.
“TETHEVA Cosmic Energy Healing treats the blockages in your magnetic energy fields at the energy dimension, allowing all kinds of illnesses that are probable extensions in your physical body to disappear”
High-vibrational ninth-dimensional healing frequencies, which have not been experienced in our World before, are used in TETHEVA healing sessions. With these frequencies, we connect to the multi-dimensional healing lines of the fifth dimension from our chakra-meridian-acupuncture points in our physical bodies. This way, our physical energy system is renewed spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.
In TETHEVA Cosmic Healing sessions, when the healing frequencies are activated with the power of intent and cosmic sound codes, the patient hears those frequencies. This hearing is different from that heard with the ears. The patient becomes able to hear the cosmic frequencies with his or her heart in the subatomic dimension. Your cells hear this symphony, recognize and accept this Universal symphony and wakes up the cells to feel the Creator’s eternal love once again.
“TETHEVA is not an idea to be understood with the mind, but a process that one can taste with the conscious and can witness its miracles with the heart”
What will be my healing percentage after the sessions are over?
TETHEVA Sessions
TETHEVA Healing Frequencies will:
- Open and align your meridian channels
- Balance your chakras
- Loosen your spiritual-mental-emotional-physical contractions
- Balance, center, and focus your mind
Sessions will be held remotely. The sessions have the same effect when they are done remotely or in person since energy is not bound by time and place.
There are two types of sessions-
Healing Session- which is focused on healing any illnesses
A minimum of 3 sessions is required (to complete all levels of healing- Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Body). You may have a maximum of 27 sessions. Typically, only 3-9 sessions are needed. You may only have one TETHEVA session per day. After your first session, you can do your second one as soon as the next day or up to 30 days later. Your third session MUST be the same distance apart as your second session.
For example, if you do session one today, and session two 3 days later, that means your third session needs to be 3 days later as well from the second session.
After completing your three sessions, if you require more, you must wait at least a week before continuing again.
Package of 3 sessions- 45 minutes per session/ $180 total investment
*Feel free to email me if you would like more dates and times
Balancing Session- is focused on raising your vibration
Only one session is needed, but you are welcome to do more if you feel called to. You can do it anytime, as long as it is not the same day as a TETHEVA healing session. You can do it before, in between sessions, or after.
When you raise your vibration-
- Your awareness and inner peace increase
- Your motivation escalates
- You attract a higher quality of life and relations
- You are relieved of intellectual and mental burdens that lower your energy
- Your increased vibrations attract health, money and affluence
45 minutes/ $60 investment
Animals are more sensitive and can strongly absorb the healing frequencies. Therefore, they do not require the same group of 3 sessions as people do. Only one session is needed at a time. However, depending on how the animal responds to the treatment, they may benefit from more.
The healing session for animals has the same benefit as it does for people. The TETHEVA frequencies will work on all levels of their healing (physical, mental, emotional, and their spiritual body).
45 minutes/ $45 investment
- Is a supplementary and supportive Cosmic Frequency Healing Treatment
- It is open to everyone- there are no limitations
- It is held without touching the patient
- No side effects have been reported to date
- No medication is given or recommended before or after the session
TETHEVA is an auxiliary, supportive cosmic energy healing that speeds up the healing. It is a complimentary treatment, not an alternative one.
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your licensed physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding your medical care. I am not providing health care, mental health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease, or condition. If you suspect that you may have a medical condition, or are seeking medical advice or treatment, please consult a qualified licensed health professional.