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The Function of the Nervous System- The Power of Faith

The hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands are the three pillars that support the brain. It used to be believed that the Earth rests on three whales. These glands are the “three whales” on which the autonomic and central nervous systems are based. 

The central and autonomic nervous systems are the main instruments of influence of the Spirit on the body and of the body on the Spirit. It is a transmitter of spiritual vibrations to the physical level and vice versa. Those nerves that go through the body are the strings of a musical instrument that transmits the invisible vibrations of the Spirit to the physical body. 

The state of the nervous system depends on the harmony of mediators and hormonal substances, which, in turn, are regulated by the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. If, for example, the pituitary gland or hypothalamus releases some substance with a certain vibration, the whole organism begins to change in response to this substance. 

In the brain, the embodied part of the Spirit is on a pyramidal throne. This is a luminous star inside the sphere of the spiritual heart. The throne stands on three pillars (pituitary, epiphysis, and hypothalamus), like a pyramid on triangles. It is not in vain that they are located not at the top of the brain, but at the bottom. 

If you look at the structure of these organs, you will see that almost all nerves, nerve connections, nerve bundles, and large vessels are suitable for them. They wrap them up. If you look at the architectonics of the brain, then the spiral rises (the brain is not a plane, it is voluminous), and the energy of the consciousness of the incarnated Spirit flows along these paths. This is a tool for connecting vibrations – spiritual, subtle, and physical. 

These three organs are quite well protected from drugs and substances, like a wall through which substances penetrate selectively. One substance penetrated, while the other lingers. This is regulated by signaling molecules (blood-brain barrier). 

Where the pituitary, hypothalamus, and epiphysis are located, there is also such a semblance of a second barrier. It is in double protection from the effects of substances that can disrupt their work, and hence the work of the whole organism. 

Emotions, feelings and thoughts are very easy to influence. That is why you say that there is a “placebo effect”. If we translate this word into Russian now, it means “believer”, “I believe”. It’s called the “faith effect”. 

Scientists have also investigated how faith affects the state of the body and why. Faith can have a positive effect, or it can have a negative effect. Faith is a feeling that resides in the spiritual heart. The spiritual heart simultaneously manifests itself both through the heart chakra and through the brain, this is a flow. Not static, but the flow of energy, including through these three endocrine glands. If a person believes in something positive, they raise their vibrations by this belief. 

If a person believes in the positive, then by doing this they raise their vibrations and convey to the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and epiphysis that everything is fine with them, they are protected, in a state of harmony. These glands begin to listen to the Spirit and enter into resonance with it. Accordingly, they harmoniously manage the nervous system, digestion, respiration, hormones, biosynthesis, removal of harmful substances, and immunity. These glands also control immunity through other hormones. The spirit begins to manifest through the body in a positive way.  

If a person believes in something negative for himself, creates a negative image that (as he thinks) will overtake him in the future, he lowers his vibrations by this belief. This influences these three glands in such a negative way that they come into disharmony with each other. They begin not in turn to “talk” with chemical formulas, but in discord, disharmoniously. He upsets their work. This affects the entire body. The glands begin to randomly secrete some substances, some do not allocate in time, some more, some less, this begins an imbalance in the body. 


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