Enlightenment is a state of merging with the Higher Self, with the Light that you have inside your heart and in your soul.
First, you need to believe that achieving this state is quite simple. If a person doubts this and thinks that it is difficult, then they will push this state away from themselves. Secondly, you need to relax your mind and trust the process. Remove any expectations that you have.
Thirdly, I would not recommend to anyone any long-term practices of contemplating something. Often, this is ineffective in our constantly moving and changing world. This only drives you into even greater conditioning by the manifestations of your mind – emotional outbursts that will take you away from this state.
Your state of perception of the material world, as shown to you by the senses, does not deceive your mind at all. Your senses only show what they can show for the mind. And the spiritual goal of the mind is diverse – not only spiritual but also material. This is the goal, including that of the body in which the Soul (Spirit) settles. When the Spirit settles in the body, a mind is born that fulfills the desire of both.
Enlightenment is understanding the true power of the body and mind. From this, a person becomes more harmonious, happy, and bright and gets rid of fears, condemnation, anger, and slander. “Meditation” is too general a name. There are many types of meditation. Everyone has their preferred methods. But if you want to achieve success, then you must connect with your inner Self (Higher Self).
First, turn any of your actions in the material world into meditation. How do you do that? When you do something, do not think about something extraneous, about what is not related to this action. This prevents you from doing that activity effectively and from thinking effectively about what you are thinking about. You simply dissipate your strength. Enlightenment requires quite a lot of energy. You need to concentrate this energy in your mind so that the thousand-petalled lotus called “Sahasrara” or crown chakra opens completely.
Of course, there are special practices. They are not at all mandatory but only help this process. But I recommend performing any of your actions as if it were the first and last time in your life. Be it what you do at your job or what you do at home. Concentrate your energy completely on this action. And you will see that this is not so easy to do. Your mind, like a naughty child, will try to escape to the images you have created in your mental world. No need to get annoyed with yourself. Just calmly return your mind to the subject. Gradually this will become a habit for you, and will become routine. Start doing it with something you love first. Then gradually extend this habit to other activities.
This is truly the art of staying here and now. The last stage of this skill is to remain here and now not during the action, but during, for example, a certain period of time, replacing these actions. That is, if you are just walking down the street, concentrating on your steps, the feeling of breathing, etc.
A sign of success in this practice is that you gradually begin to feel that there is a living space around you. A little further you will begin to feel that you are part of this space. That you are not just walking on the ground, but that your consciousness is moving among space filled with different forms. And these forms are part of the energy that comes out of your consciousness.
As soon as you feel this, it is already a sign that you are a very small step away from Buddhahood. And don’t rush to be happy about it or be upset if it doesn’t happen. Your emotions should be balanced.