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What are Chakras?

The word chakra means disk, vortex, or wheel. The chakras are energy stations or centers. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of the seven points, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Memory is energetically encoded in your chakras just as it is chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every important or emotionally significant event you have experienced is believed to be recorded in your chakra energy.  

Each chakra is named after the part of the body over which its energy spins. They are called from the bottom up: the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. At a psychological level, each chakra is charged with specific psychological tasks such as regulating distinct aspects of your personality and integrating difficult experiences into your energy system. The aspects of your personality regulated by a given chakra are related to that chakra’s developmental theme. These themes include survival and sexuality (root chakra), creativity (sacral chakra), identity and power (solar plexus chakra), love and compassion (heart chakra), expression (throat chakra), deep perception and understanding (third eye chakra), and transcendence of the self (crown chakra).  

Each chakra influences the organs, muscles, ligaments, veins, and all other body parts within its energy field. Chakras also influence the endocrine system and so are strongly involved with your moods, personality, and overall health. Your physical and psychological evolution, as well as your spiritual journey, are all reflected in your chakras. 

Light and color also move through each chakra, spinning up and out from the vortex of its deepest layer. Even people who can see energies filter the colors of another’s chakras through the colors of their own chakras. Therefore, there is no standard absolute dictionary meaning of a particular color on a given chakra. However, there is enough common ground from one person to the next that the guidelines can be useful. For example, clear green in any of the chakras seems to signify that a healing in the chakra is under way. Green in the middle of the color spectrum, and its appearance often means the energies are coming into balance. The color red has been traditionally associated with the root chakra and violet with the seventh chakra. Each chakra is as unique as a thumbprint, holds many colors within its seven layers, and reflects the energies the person was born into as well as the life that has been lived.  

Reiki is a wonderful healing technique to help open and balance the chakras. The practitioner can identify any blockages and stagnant energy and help the energy move freely to create harmony in the body. 

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